Periodontal disease
or periodontitis is a chronic gum disease that affects the gums, ligaments and alveolar bone and can lead to tooth loss.
It is a surgical method of treating periodontal disease that aims to regenerate bone and soft tissues in order to achieve a clinical situation favorable to implant placement.
Gingivectomy is the removal of a portion of the gum around one or more teeth, i.e. the correction of the shape and position of the gums.
Subgingival scaling and curettage are used to treat infected areas by meticulously cleaning and removing tartar and bacteria from both the tooth surface and subgingival areas.
Periodontitis - periodontal disease - is a chronic inflammatory gum disease. Periodontitis occurs in the tissues supporting the tooth on the arch: gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and can lead to tooth loss by destroying the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth.
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Because we respect our patients' time we work only on an appointment system. Fill in the form and we will contact you for confirmation or give us a call and we will arrange it together.